How Do You Learn Resilience?

Understanding that it is resilience that will help us achieve our goals, the A.G. Coombs leadership team participating in the 2023 Leading Edge Expedition spent a day focusing on just that - RESILIENCE.

"The principal obstacle to tapping into our inner strength lies with our cognitive style or the ways of looking at the world and interpreting events that every one of us develops from childhood.

Learning to increase our resilience by better understanding our thinking styles and developing skills to circumvent them allows us to assess the true causes of adversity and its effect on our life."

Resilience is an essential component of any leadership development program. In our six-month Quest Group Global Leading Edge Expedition, resilience is a keystone.

Today's session, facilitated by Nicholas Oddy of the Leadership Resilience Group, was a timely reminder to participants of what to focus on in difficult times.

How will you develop resilience with your team?

Learn more about our Leading Edge Expeditions at: or contact Mike Boyle to discuss how we can assist your leadership team development.

#learningbydoing #resilience #leadingedge


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