How do you turn business vision into business success?

Leaders often have a strong picture in their minds of the common goal and vision for their business.

They struggle, however, to communicate that vision clearly and with any level of engagement by their teams. They therefore battle to get people to align to implement successfully.

Base Camp is the staging ground before the ascent of Everest.

It allows you to test the team, create scenarios, and test your strategies while under pressure but not being on the edge of the summit.

Most of all, Base Camp is an amazing metaphor.


Everest and all it brings emotively allow us to use the power of story and endurance to connect teams and leaders to a purpose often beyond revenue and profit.

As in mountaineering, successful organisational "ascents" are made by well-skilled, disciplined and high-performing teams. These teams are led by a special breed of leaders, high-performance leaders able to elicit “peak” performance from themselves, their people and their processes. Under the guidance of their leaders, these teams first clarify a common vision of their chosen summit.

They then plan their route and allocate roles and responsibilities, i.e. the strategy to reach their peak. Finally, they take responsibility for developing the skills, knowledge and “climbing fitness” to reach their destination. Throughout this process, all are bound by the strength of their belief that their ascent is worthy and that they will succeed.

Our Base Camp expeditions guide your organisation’s ascent to its chosen “peak”; i.e. its Vision. We ensure a clear and common vision of your “summit”, facilitate high-performance leadership and teamwork, assist you in developing a sound strategy and, importantly, instil a strong belief in a successful "ascent".

“Over two eventful and thought-provoking days in the beautiful (albeit wet), Marlorough Sounds, Mike and Vince challenged our thinking around everything that WK was and should be. Key to this was a clear understanding of why we do what we do and what is possible in a wider context of the people and places that are important to us.”

One company’s profound Base Camp experience.

“WK is a chartered accountancy and business advisory practice of 5 Directors and 45 staff, with offices in Blenheim and Christchurch, New Zealand. After several years with a focus on defining our Firm’s values and common goal and vision, we decided to challenge our progress in this space by committing to Base Camp in May 2019. “

See how the team has managed the impact of COVID while thriving after fortuitously undertaking a Base Camp in 2019.

How Base Camp works.

Confirm the Vision

Pure consulting skills are employed to challenge, develop and confirm your business vision. Extracting the special nuances that make your business unique, we facilitate a process to ensure your company vision covers all that you need it to and is clear and understandable by your team.

Present the Vision

Over a couple of days, we will assist you in bringing your organisation together to launch and present the business vision and its link to the business goals. Through the shared adventure, we help set the scene for staff to see their role in this new direction and realise the possibilities of success.

Secure Alignment

Our local learning communities provide the structure to continue to develop sales and business leaders professionally and personally. Each club delivers proven professional development via personal coaching, peer group workshops and access to relevant and specific learning tools and resources.

Victorian Leadership Centre

The Victorian Leadership Centre (VLC) is a unique alliance between Flowerdale Estate and Strategy Shift. It is the preferred venue of our Leading Edge and Base Camp Expeditions.

It is a distinctive and stimulating venue for your upcoming leadership or team development program. Our expert facilitators can lead the program and design and deliver experiential learning that aligns with your company's vision and outcomes

Flowerdale Estate is an award-winning, unique venue located one hour North of Melbourne Airport. It offers conference space, luxury accommodation, fantastic food, and 106 acres for leadership development - Nurture in Nature.

We believe people need to understand their ‘role in the goal’ - and they are two very different things.

After Base Camp, teams are energized, aware and aligned to a common goal and an exciting vision.

They have a purpose to be at work beyond the paycheck. Research still tells us the number one reason people come to work is to be a part of something going somewhere. (Yes, money is always in the Top 4, but never number 1.)

Ultimately, we offer individuals a sneak peek into what high-performing cultures can look like. Under brilliant facilitation, we allow them to test boundaries, challenge themselves and test the team to breaking point.

The difference is we catch them when it breaks. In facilitated debriefs, we hold up mirrors and show them how to avoid this in real time back at the office.

  • "Base Camp was a really effective way of communicating the company's goals and visions and getting staff buy-in. It was also great at getting people to understand that their role in the company has value and is appreciated."

  • "Base Camp itself is a great concept and a really clever analogy. I know we have the strength and momentum to build on it!"

    WK Strawbridge

  • “What we learnt & agreed upon at Base Camp has been at the forefront of our group strategy and decision-making ever since….. The talking & planning of Base Camp had become the doing of lockdown.”

    Vaughan WK Accounting & Advisors

  • “This program was as good as any I have attended. We now have a ‘roadmap’ to follow & no excuse but to apply the outcomes, processes & positive team behaviours in the pursuit of our goals.”

    John Heidelberg Australia

How to start the journey.

Let’s get together to discuss your business and where you want it to go.

We can help you clarify your vision, your goals and identify the mountain you want to climb. Ensure you have the right people and the right equipment to get you there. Then ignite the team to want to come along with you.

The first step doesn’t need to be the hardest.

How to ensure the gains at Base Camp continue beyond the event.


Maintain the energy and momentum after Base Camp through your leaders' ongoing development and support.

Summit Circle and Summit Club are communities delivering proven professional development through personal coaching, peer group workshops, and access to relevant and specific learning tools and resources.

Of course, we can provide ongoing direct support to your leaders through a strategic and aligned leadership coaching program. Or perhaps establish your own organisation learning hub.

Learn more about our Summit Communities.